Monday, February 22, 2021

Stopping by Wright Woods on a Snowy Evening

During a winter month five years ago, I took a photograph of this scene at our neighborhood Wright Woods park in Lincolnshire, Illinois. With that photo, I created a knife painting in oil on an 8.5  by 11-inch canvas. This was one of my initial attempts with knife painting.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tulips in bloom

 This is a black and white artwork of tulips using white Prisma color pencils on black 8.5 x 11 inches pastel paper. I was inspired by this subject while visiting the tulip festival in Holland, Michigan in 2010. 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Still life

 This is a still life done on 8.5  by 11 inches pastel paper inspired by Ikebana art forms. I used Prisma and Faber Castell colored pencils to complete this art.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Portrait of a Young Girl


I did this portrait in oil on a 11 by 14" canvas. This work was inspired by Flemish artist Peter Paul Ruben's 1616 masterpiece"Portrait of a Young Girl". I completed this work in 2011 while attending an oil painting workshop in Sterling Hall at Lake Forest, IL. It was a challenging project for me to match the skin tones with the original work. Apparently, in the painting, the young girl is Ruben's 12 year old daughter Clara Serena.

Gond Art

 This is typical Gond art of a peacock done on a foam board using acrylic paints. Gond art is a folk art from Madhya Pradesh. The colors in ...